
 I had a friend while in college who proved to me that he had perfect pitch.  
While he was on the other room, I played on the piano several notes one at a 
time.  And he named all of the notes that I played.  I was impressed.

 He was our guitar player at the time.  But he majored in Engineering at UC 
Berkeley, and did not stay in music as a professional career.

 I myself am self-taught in playing the piano.  There is much to know about the 
subject.  There's a guy on YouTube who is an excellent teacher for playing 
jazz.  He's got a video on how to use the various scales and modes while 
playing during solos and improvisations.  I'm practicing some of his concepts 
now and it's improved my playing as well.

---In, <msilver1951@...> wrote :

 Friend of my daughters was playing our plano. she looked up at me and said 
this piano is flat, it's tuned to 436 instead of 440. It just so happened that 
the piano had been tuned to 436 intentionally a few hours before she sat down 
to play it.

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