Tempered Tuning   This is a method of tuning that addresses all of the above 
factors. In essence, this method takes the inharmonicity of all six strings and 
the slight mathematical discrepancy between the whole scales and divides the 
variation equally among each string. This means that while no one chord or 
interval is perfect (and it is physically impossible for them all to be 
perfect), they are all only slightly off. But off by such a small, consistent 
amount that no ordinary ear can detect any dissonance. What follow are the 
steps to achieve this tempered tuning. You can learn it quickly. Master it and 
you will tune your guitar quicker and slicker than the other kids on the block! 
Fail to master it, and studies show you will spend 7.52 years of your life 
tuning your guitar.


http://www.ryanguitars.com/GuitarTech-Tuning.html                           I 
learned this method of temper-tuning a guitar while I was a professional piano 
tuner in Ohio about 24 years ago. 
 View on www.ryan... http://www.ryanguitars.com/GuitarTech-Tuning.html 
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