Doesn't apply - You are assuming that laser-guided munitions are more precise. 
They aren't. The laser part is precise. The bomb is still a bomb, exploding 360 
degrees, causing lots of collateral damage, blowing innocent women and children 
to pieces, much more so that the direct violence we abhor. It is easy to kill 
when the gore is removed from our senses, and much more evil, imo - no 
ownership of the act. No thorn here, just the cold blooded destruction of 
families, communities and nations.  

 Again, it is the "peace loving" Christians responsible  for this hell on 
earth. So they are hypocrites twice, once for their absence from the violence 
they encourage, and second because they talk about peace endlessly, while 
waging war - btw, that second phrase is an MMY quote. 

 Very bad karma, and even Jesus cannot save them. 911 certainly wasn't a random 
event. If the radical Christians continue to create enemies abroad and having 
done so, try and kill them all, they will bring further domestic attacks to 
this country. Exactly the same mindset as the radical Muslims, their mirror 
image, only more aggressive. 
---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 What did Maharishi used to say? Sometimes it takes a thorn to remove a thorn, 
I think. A well guided laser *thorn* would be much better than poking around 
with a big rusty nail.


 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 12:11 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] For Mike (Smile)
   Interesting stuff - thanks for the specifics. Yes, Dances With Wolves was 
well researched. 

 I find it curious the Western revulsion at violence done directly, though we 
have no such squeamishness when aiming a laser guided munition at a village. On 
the one hand, decrying the public be-headings by ISIS, while on the other, 
blowing the heads, arms, and legs off large segments of the populations we 

 Hypocrisy, anyone?  
---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 I'm speaking primarily of plains Indians. Ever watch Dances with Wolves? Now 
before you say "that's just Hollywood", it was a pretty accurate portrayal  of 
plains Indian life, although toned down greatly.  I read a book called *Indian 
Depredations* by Big Foot Wallace, one of the original Texas Rangers in which 
he chronicles attacks by Comanche, Kiowa, and other native Texas bands on 
settlers. There were a couple of bands in Texas that none of the other *tribes* 
or nations liked as they were cannibalistic. I could go into the nature of 
plains Indian depredations in detail but they were quite gruesome. Let's put it 
this way, An old saying among those with firsthand experience with Indians was 
" save your last bullet for yourself, you don't want to be captured alive". 
Yes, self mutilation was a common practice among plains Indians. Lots of 
*cutting*. Women cut them selves in mourning a lost loved one. Ever hear of the 
sun Dance? Sitting Bull cut something like a hundred pieces of flesh from his 
arms.  Of course we know of the mutilations of dead soldiers at the Little Big 
Horn. My great grand father arrived a couple of days after and helped bury the 
dead.Human sacrifice was limited more to the Aztec and Mayan, to my knowledge, 
although I'm pretty sure it happened in South American tribes as well. Ever 
hear of shrinking heads? < Not intending to paint all with a broad brush, there 
were  relatively more sophisticated nations as well, Hopi, Navajo Cherokee etc. 
But nobody remembers a *good* Indian! 

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Friday, September 25, 2015 10:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] For Mike (Smile)
   What tribes or nations are you referring to here? I am curious, because none 
of that behavior, except for tool making, occurred among the first nations in 
what is now California, Oregon and Washington. The nations were tiny compared 
to they are today, and self-sufficient. It was considered extreme bad manners, 
and even crazy, to go from one nation into another. They didn't practice any 
self-mutilation either. Just like us whiteys, first nation peoples aren't all 
the same. And you are aware of course that it was the whites, not the 
"Indians",  who began collecting scalps. 

 There is no need to justify their slaughter, and death by disease, by 
considering them savage and barbarian. I don't think guilt-tripping is 
appropriate either, but acknowledging that theirs was as diverse and complex a 
group of cultures as ours, at least recognizes the reality of what happened.
---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Isn't it horrible? We brought them guns and whiskey. Had we never come, they 
could still be chasing buffalo(on foot), living in tepees, using stone and bone 
tools, killing each other over food stores for the winter, mutilating their 
bodies, making human sacrifice and otherwise living in *harmony* with nature..

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Friday, September 25, 2015 8:58 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] For Mike (Smile)






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