I'm thinking of having a yagya done  for myself due to the transit of Rahu in 
Leo.  Do you have to be present at the temple?  Or can you stay at home at the 
time the yagya is being performed? 

 A few years ago I attended a yagya done for a  friend in a temple in 
Sunnyvale, CA.  It was an elaborate ritual which included offering seeds dipped 
in ghee onto the fire and dancing around the fire as the priest invoked the 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 I had a yagya performed once for me.  It was not a TM yagya but performed by 
the Hindu temple in Livermore in the SF Bay Area.  I happened to be there with 
a friend before Indian new year and they offered put visitors on the yagya list 
for the new year.  It only cost $55.  I wasn't expecting anything but was an 
effect for awhile.
 On 05/09/2016 09:26 AM, feste37 wrote:
   I am probably one of the few people here who would venture to remark that 
(and this is based on my own experience), yagyas work, although the ones done 
for me were not done through the TMO. What intrigues me about Salyavin's 
tirades is his claim that the TMO actually does not even perform the yagyas 
people pay them to do. I have not heard this before and wonder how anyone would 
know that it is true. It is one thing to say the yagyas do not work, but quite 
another to claim that they are never even performed. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<olliesedwuz@...> mailto:olliesedwuz@... wrote :
 yeah, very strange. These people have become bitterly disappointed at their 
experiences regarding TM, and so, "attempt to spread the truth about TM and the 
org behind it" and "save" others. There is not a nickel's worth of space 
between that expression and the Christian fundamentalists - same psychological 
mistake; transference. They cannot accept that they didn't get it, and so turn 
on those who are experiencing a benefit, blind to the fact that any issue is 
with themselves, and not the TM or TMO, or practitioners of TM.  

 This is in no way a defense of the TM Org, which has a lot of issues. But 
there are ways of tackling a problem productively, and there is empty 
complaining. As you say, we are all adults, and nobody appreciates a bunch of 
blowhards trumpeting the same hollow message, that they know the real truth 
about TM and the TMO and are here to enlighten the rest of us. What rubbish.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<steve.sundur@...> mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote :
 Strange, ain't it.  Someone, in this case, Salyavin, feeling they need to save 
someone from themselves.  As if there is not abundant information to peruse ! 
with regard to the TM movement such that Salyavin feels the impassioned need to 
take on the role. 
 What becomes a little weird is that there is no difference from this attitude 
and the fundamentalist attitude that "they" (the fundamentalist) knows what's 
best for another, and therefore makes it a mission to convert "the other". And 
then, you must ask, where does it end.  
 The title of this autobiography is, "How I Became a Tyrant"
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<no_re...@yahoogroups.com> mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<awoelflebater@...> mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote :
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<no_re...@yahoogroups.com> mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<awoelflebater@...> mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote ! :
 I figure most of those investing in or tooting the horn for yagya donations 
are grown adults who can decide if they want to spend their money on chanting 
or on a fitbit or the latest VW convertible. 
 But can they decide? When you're embroiled in a cult you can really start to 
believe what they tell you as I'm sure you're aware. Obviously it's up to 
people to become scientifically aware and think their way out of the stupidity 
before it bankrupts them or they end up moving to a town where this sort of 
excuse for thinking is taken so much for granted that it becomes a given rather 
than the utterly astonishing load of pseudo-scientific nonsense that it 
actually is.
 Grown ups can believe anything they like, but if people you know are 
habitually throwing their money into a hole in the ground - or in this case 
real estate in Florida - when they think they are creating some sort of peace 
creating group of Indian chanters the we owe it to them to darw it to their 
attention or we aren't very good friends.
 If you knew someone who was being scammed by a devious pension plan wouldn't 
you tell them if you knew? Yet the TMO gets many millions from selling prayers 
and all the while setting up a pseudo-scientific justification in the shape of 
Marshy's crap lectures about the unified field and continuing with John 
Hagelin's equally crap videos about string theory. It's a deliberate attempt to 
mis-sell something. The funny thing is they claim to be interested in science 
and yet they never put any of the more dubious products on the TM price list 
under any sort of serious scrutiny.
 Now, this discussion about Nader and how he could possibly have so much money 
(how much does he have? ! ) seems like many are jumping to conclusions about 
his guilt with regard to the Movement handing over millions of dollars to him 
for some reason. Why would they do this? Is he worth that much to them? I don't 
know Nader from a hole in the ground other than, I believe, he possesses a gold 
outfit complete with crown in his closet. I suggest people get some hard facts 
before proclaiming his guilt from the rooftops. BTW, where did you get your 
information? Judy seems to think that is important and you didn't answer that 
question in your response here.
 Judy has consistently demonstrated that she is an idiot to the extent that I 
never read her posts. She knows as well as I do where all this information 
about King Tony comes from. Is there another explanation for the wealth of the 
Nader family other than the TMO setting him up as some sort of world leader in 
waiting? If there is I haven't seen it, as he's a public figure appointed by 
Marshy to be the hereditary ruler of his domain I think we are owed an 
explanation. But I don't trust the TMO about money for the reasons I have 

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 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<rick@...> mailto:rick@... wrote :

 I just read this. Isn't Tony Nader one of the Rajas? Or is he just a 
scientist/doctor? Not having been a follower of what goes on in the TM Movement 
since 1985 I presume this is news - the fact that he has some bucks? If you're 
a Raja don't you have had to have donated a wheelbarrow full of money or 
something? If that is the case, the amount is $1m (?) then it comes as no 
surprise that someone has a lot more than that in their bank account. Only an 
idiot would donate $1m and not have at least $10m in the bank, minimum. 

 salyavin808 wri! tes:
 This is the TMO doing what it does best. Soliciting donations for it's "world 
plan for world peace, bringing enlightenment and prosperity to all nations" and 
then spending it all on real estate.
 They have big plans you see, the idea has always a world wide network of 
palaces and embassies for the "rajas", but no one would pay for that directly 
so they get you with the old "pundit program" scam, it still seems to work, get 
a maniac like John Hagelin to make it all sound scientific with a video about 
string theory, and everyone will think it's valid in some sort of demonstrable 
way, Before you know it the millions are rolling in from the hopeful flock who 
have been brainwashed for decades with crap about vedas and  physics and now 
vedas and physiology.
 I do remember them saying that they'd give refunds in future if the "peace 
creating" pundit groups didn't happen. Well they didn't h! appen, not even 
slightly. This recent layout of funds on big houses for the bigwigs gives the 
lie to that. It should be obvious that not even they believe all that 
"coherence creating" bullshit, the question is: What are TMers going to do 
about it? 

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