It's a putdown because you seem to give no credit to the fact that, based on 
everything she's said, what she said when she threw her hat in, what she's 
campaigned on, her record, based on her history in politics (as Judy 
mentioned), it is quite obvious that she wasn't and wouldn't be and couldn't be 
"blackmailed." Blackmailed?  Are you kidding?  Crazy thing to be "wondering."   

 Stand for nothing Dump, on the other hand, would be a shoe-in for a blackmail 

 Your opinion that she does not have the right "personality" to be in politics 
is an inadvertent compliment based on your belief that politicians are 
equivalent to the worst in car salesmen.  

 I am continually shocked at how you and others here go after Hillary on petty 
and exaggerated allegations that have little to no merit, instead of the 
extraordinary and blatently fraudulent activities of Dumpy.  Let alone his 
"personality."  Suggest you do a little more Dumpster diving and dig a little 

 Come on, I'd like to see you throw a few insults out at Drumpf.  Let's here 
it.  Can't bring yourself to do it?  Wonder why that is?    
---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 No it isn't.  That's the way politics sometimes works.  What is ridiculous is 
to discount the idea that might have happened.  It's not a putdown either. 
Hillary does not have the right personality to be in politics. She doesn't 
relate well to the general public.  Better suited to be an attorney. 
 Try living in the real world for a change.
 On 09/25/2016 10:58 AM, emily.mae50@... mailto:emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife] 

   Re: "I sometimes wonder if she was blackmailed into running."  God, that is 
a ridiculous thing to say and another putdown to boot.  

 Hide message history
<noozguru@...> mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Yup, guilt by association.  Plus liberals don't like Walmart yet they are 
willing to look the other way that Hillary served on the Walmart BOD.  Screwy 
election year, eh?  If Trump wins he will have to deal with telling his 
supporters that he will "try" to push through some of the things he promised 
but that will be about it.  Though Hillary announced her candidacy before Trump 
and Sanders we know the rumors get around in high places and I sometimes wonder 
if she was blackmailed into running. Her candidacy does not make a lot of sense.
 On 09/25/2016 05:36 AM, anon_alias wrote:
   Scamming the people by banksters - this subject is going to come up in the 
debate and it going to be very embarrassing for Hillary Clinton.
 According to what I've read, Wells Fargo, both the bank and its foundation, 
have given generously to the Clinton Foundation over the years. In 2011, former 
President Bill Clinton gave a speech to Wells Fargo for $200,000. Warren 
Buffet, a big Hillary backer, said WF was his favorite bank.
 “Although this policy was known to top executives of defendants, plaintiffs, 
as bankers, were blamed for harm to clients and retaliated against."

 Wells Fargo Slammed With $2.6 Billion Lawsuit By Terminated Workers 
 Wells Fargo Slammed With $2.6 Billion Lawsuit By Ter... “Wells Fargo knew that 
their unreasonable quotas were driving these unethical behaviors that were used 
to fraudulently increase their stock price and benefit th...

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<awoelflebater@...> mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote :
 Only one more day to go. For those of you who can't bear to watch live (me 
included) hopefully this will give you some solace. 
 Clinton hunkers down for debate prep
 Clinton hunkers down for debate prep Hillary Clinton is preparing for Monday's 
debate at a hotel near her home in Chappaqua, New York, according to sources 
familiar with the preparations.

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 Dear God, may Trump fall flat on his ugly mug. Is there a God? (See Doug, we 
are a spiritual group.) We will find out after the debate. LOL





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