I am saying the same thing, only differently.1. There is a soul.2. It is 
permanent.3. It evolves.4. To begin with, it is ineffective to control life.
5. In the beginning instincts and desires predominate over mind.6. Gradually 
the mind asserts its sovereignty.7. Mind is in turn more and more influenced by 
soul as it grows.
8. Reincarnation of soul becomes necessary for the process to complete 
itself.9. Reincarnation is as human only.10. Formations (Samskars) of desires 
that are very strong may reincarnate in animals, not the soul.

Once you grant that there is a necessity of rebirth then many questions arise. 
“There arises the first question of the process of rebirth; if that process is 
not quickly successive, birth immediately following death of the body so as to 
maintain an uninterrupted series of lives of the same person, if there are 
intervals, that in its turn raises the question of the principle and process of 
the passage to other worlds, which must be the scene of these intervals, and 
the return to earth–life. A third question is the process of the spiritual 
evolution itself and the mutations which the soul undergoes in its passage from 
birth to birth through the stages of its adventure.”The first question is what 
is the process of rebirth? Who is reborn, how is one reborn? In what form is he 
reborn?The second is, is rebirth immediately successive. There are two notions 
which are running in the world amongst those who believe in rebirth, not 
sufficiently reconciled. According to one view you leave this body and you are 
immediately reborn into another body. According to the other view once you come 
out of the body you go through experiences of pleasure and pain according to 
whether you have been good or bad on this earth. If you have been good you go 
to heaven and pleasures of some kind, otherwise you will be chastised and sent 
to hell for some time. And when this is over you take another birth. This is a 
popular notion, not necessarily scientifically verifiable. These are the 
current notions. We have to arrive at a very scientific conclusion on this 
subject. Is rebirth immediately successive or if not immediately successive 
then what happens to the soul in the interval?The third question is that in the 
whole process of dying, coming out of the body, passing to wherever one has to 
pass after the death of the body, returning to the new body; what is it that 
the soul gains and how does it evolve itself. What is the process of its 
evolution? What role does nature play and what role does the soul play in the 
evolution of consciousness, which is the real purpose. These are the three 
questions that 


    On Sunday, 2 April 2017 9:07 AM, S Turkman <turk...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

 As I said before, we are made of 3 things. Physical Body, Astral Body and 
Spirit. When we die, Astral Body disintegrates and Spirit flies away to get 
Reincarnated again as a Human of a 4 Legged Animal depending on each case but 
normally back to another Human.Some in their 1st Sojourn or higher as Human may 
prefer to be Reincarnated back as 4 Legged Animals, where they had started 
from, if they did not like their Human Life.
I had an American friend, who could converse with 4 Legged Animals using 
telepathy (Mentally without saying any words)..i asked, why she did not use 
this skill at the Horse Races to win a lot of money?She said, "They are like 5 
to 8 years old Children mentally. 3 or 4 of them say, they would win the Race. 
Normally one of them wins but sometimes, one of the rest of them, who had said, 
they would not, wins. One day, I was with her in a Shopping Center on Milwaukee 
& Dempster Street, Desplaines, Illinois, USA. I saw a very crazy kind of Pet 
Dog of some lady that had gone inside leaving it outside. I requested her to 
talk with it. Following is the conversation:
LADY: Why are you acting so crazy?DOG: Because I am crazy?LADY: Why don't you 
straighten out your act so,you could be born as a Human?DOG: I have already 
done that. I was a Human. LADY: Did you act this crazy as a Human also?DOG: Yes 
and I could not enter Fetus of a Human after that. LADY: Do you like this life 
as a Dog?DOG: Yes. LADY: Why?DOG: Because this life is more fun and less 
restrictive. LADY: How?DOG: You saw me rape a little Bitch. Nobody arrested me 
to take to Jail. When I used to do this as a Human, they used to take me to 
Jail and in court the Raped Girl used to testify so, I had started killing them 
after raping so, they could not testify. I got caught again and was given Death 

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