On Jan 12, 2006, at 9:50 PM, Patrick Gillam wrote:
Without breaking any vows I think it's safe to say that since you need to perfect the generation stage before perfecting a completion stage practice, like consort practice. One should have perfected their generation stage practice which means the seed, the bija, has become the tree and one can see the world as emptiness-as-form: pure appearance. If you cannot or do not, both of you, what are you discriminating in the practice? The idea is to discriminate the finest Clear Light: Wisdom discriminating Emptiness in a way virutally impossible to discriminate in any other manner. That will bring you to full Buddhahood very quickly. So what if, as you suggest, it is done from the POV of non-Wisdom trying to look at emptiness? You would have a different result which would not be Buddhahood. Some people are suggesting that in order for a monk to do this practice, s/he should be a Stream Enterer, that is s/he should be established in the first permanent realization stage--that way there can be no "fall". It does appear one of the lamas who responded to GMR's rather public announcement mentioned the criteria for the practice and it was mentioned that such a student would be asked by his guru to perform certain specific siddhis, e.g. a magical display, to demonstrate that the stage is actually present. To subscribe, send a message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/ and click 'Join This Group!' YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS
- [FairfieldLife] Re: Enlighte... authfriend
- Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: ... Vaj
- [FairfieldLife] Re:... authfriend
- Re: [FairfieldL... Vaj
- [FairfieldLife]... authfriend
- Re: [FairfieldL... Vaj
- [FairfieldLife]... authfriend
- Re: [FairfieldL... Vaj
- [FairfieldLife]... authfriend
- [FairfieldLife]... a_non_moose_ff
- Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Uni... Vaj
- [FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Un... Patrick Gillam
- [FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Un... Patrick Gillam
- [FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Univers... tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis
- Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenmen... Vaj
- [FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenmen... a_non_moose_ff