I'm not a War-Monger.  War should always be a last resort.  All I am saying is that Bush.jr chose the wrong time to go to war.  It's not a good idea to open too many fronts at a time.
    About Nature, Don't take it literaly.  It was just a figurative _expression_.
    The point is that the suffering and misery of iraqi people has to be ended.  How would you feel if your children were thrown into Meat cleaving machines in front of your eyes.?  That's what happened to political opponents of Saddam.
    Do you know what Saddam did to old Baath party members whe he took full control in 1980.?
    Do you know that Uday Hussain and Quasay Hussain picked any girls they fancied walking on the streets, took them to GuestHouses, raped them and the took them to the Baghdad Zoo and threw them to the Lions and smoked Cigars as the girls screamed on being torn apart by the Lions.??
    Do you know that Iraq is the only country in the world in which Professional rapists were employed by the Saddam regime.??  Their only job is to rape.!!
    The word "Torture" lost all meaning in iraq, when eyes, ears and tongues were routinely pulled out of prisoners.
    Bush.jr intentions were good.  The timing was wrong.  But bringing democracy to middle-east is necessary.   The politics of the Cold-War made it impossible then.  But now dictatorships cannot be tolerated.

jim_flanegin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 20:57:46 -0000
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hear Neil Young, Help Stop the War
OK, its 2006, not 1945...
Nature is always absolutely fair, and perfectly balanced.
No more armchair generals, please. If you feel war is a viable
alternative today, sign up now, and start killing.

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