I can assure you it's true.
   They are not our friends.  They are Bill Clinton's friends.  Clinton sold them missile nose-cones that improve the accuracy of missiles by more than 600% percent.!!
    Clinton also took bribes from Chinese government for his campaign funds.
    While the Chinese were building up the trade imbalance, Clinton was busy with his nose-cone with Monica.
    Don't blame Bush.jr for all this.  Bush is going to come down hard on China for not free-floating their yuan currency and abuse of human rights.

jim_flanegin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 21:43:59 -0000
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hear Neil Young, Help Stop the War
You should read up on the practices of our good good friends and
buddies, the communist Chinese (US trade deficit for 2005: $200B).
Then you may rethink why we are in Iraq, and not China.

Every country at war vilifies its enemies to justify killing them.
It also conveniently overlooks the atrocities of countries that it
needs as strategic allies. So, great story you have going about the
reason we invaded Iraq. The thing is, it isn't true. Oh well.


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