--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I think the key here is simple authenticity regardless
> if the experience is good or bad, pleasant or
> unpleasant. Most "spiritual" movements like the TMO
> generate an atmosphere of subtle (and at times not so
> subtle) moodmaking that denies one's simple experience
> if it is not in accord with the movement's dogma.

I completely agree. I just don't believe that the
"diggin' in the dirt" approach is the only way this
cognitive dissonance can be resolved. Presenting it
*as* the only way to people who entrenched in what
we might call denial but that they might call reality
is a sure-fire way of *prolonging* the entrenchment,
not removing it. It rarely works.

Nor does presenting a "solution" that we know the
entrenched are going to consider "off the program."
Rory tried for a while to present simple alter-
natives to some people here, and all that happened
was that some of those people just got angrier and
more entrenched. So he wisely (IMO) gave it up.
The Internet, whatever else it may be, is NOT a
suitable forum for satsang, or for any style of
teaching that requires the student to perceive
the overall "vibe" of the teacher and respond to
it. The "vibe" just doesn't make it through the
preconceptions, IMO, and in my experience the
preconceptions not only almost always win, they
get further entrenched. Those who these well-
meaning people are trying to do a favor for
often look upon the favor as a personal attack.

I've seen a great deal of heartfelt authenticity
here reacted to as if it were a slap in the face,
a simple, non-off-the-program suggestion like
"Feel the body" being considered and reacted to
as if it were a mortal insult. So what can ya do?

> --- tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > TorguiseB writes snipped:
> >  Diggin' in the dirt looking for the cause of
> > darkness is fine if
> > that's your predilection in life, but I've had
> > remarkable success
> > with just turning on the light, and I'm not going to
> > write that experience off just because others
> > haven't.
> >
> > Tom T:
> > I guess I have not made myself clear. What I am
> > alluding to is that
> > there a great number of people in this town and some
> > here on FFlife
> > that have both arms extended full length trying
> > desparately to not
> > look at or engage in dealing with major issues. They
> > don't have to go
> > digging in the dirt it is all around them and piling
> > up deeper with
> > every passing second. It is sometimes phrased as
> > "Sh*t happens". The
> > extent one is in denial is what I am driving at.
> > Anything out there
> > outside of me that can fix all these problems is not
> > going to get
> > anything to happen. When one finally gives in the
> > actual dealing with
> > the issue takes about 5% of ones energy while it
> > took almost all the
> > energy to remain indenial. The amount of energy
> > expended in defending
> > a position or holding off the ultimate disaster is
> > tons more energy
> > then it takes to let go and get it done. In the end
> > it will have you
> > either way, why bother avoiding it. You will either
> > deal with your
> > sh*t before you wake up or most assuredly after.
> > Enjoy.Tom

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