--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "markmeredith2002"
> <markmeredith@> wrote:
> >
> > "Not digging in the dirt" is the rationale used by many sidhas
> > here when they move into a S-ved home as a way of solving their
> > marital communication problems, or do a yagya as a way to treat
> > their chronic depression or OCD, or spend half their waking life
> > meditating trying to get over some early life emotional pain.
> >
> > I agree there's a severe limit to the progress that can be made
> > with talk therapy that focuses on intellectual analysis of past
> > hurts.  But the fact remains that you can't transcend your way
> > out of deep emotional pain, you have to go through it...
> Mark, it's the *absolutism* of statements like this that
> I'm commenting on. What you say in the last sentence
> above is SIMPLY NOT TRUE.
> I and many of my friends have had severe emotional pain
> and trauma just fucking GO AWAY as a result of spiritual
> sadhana that did not require us to focus on it or "go
> through it." Leave some room in your pronouncements for
> other possibilities, eh?  :-)
> I am *NOT* saying that I don't think dealing with emotional
> issues is not a good thing for some people if they swing
> that way. But is it the ONLY way such issues can be
> resolved? No way.

Just to follow up with a concrete example of what
I am talking about, Mark, I had a bit of a rough
year a few years back. Within the space of a few
months my brother killed himself, and my mother
and father both died. I think it is safe to say
that I felt some emotional pain over these events.

It lingered for a while until, as chance would
have it, I went to the desert with the teacher I
studied with at the time, Rama. The desert trips
were often like shakti squared, a real blast of
energy. This one was no exception. During the
experience, I was *not* thinking about anything
emotional, or my feelings about my family, or
anything other than Here And Now. That was what
we had been taught was the way to get the most
from the experience, and for a change I was
paying attention to what I had been taught. :-)

It worked. For about two weeks afterwards I was
walking around in what appeared to me to be CC.
24/7 witnessing, no difference between meditation
and non-meditation, or between awareness in waking
and awareness in dreams and deep sleep. It was
neat. And then that awareness faded somewhat. So
it goes.

But *after* it faded, the emotional pain was just
fuckin' GONE, man. I would think about my brother
or my mother or my father and all that was there
was a sense of love and gratitude for the time
we had spent together, no longer any feelings
about things I should have said or things I should
have done, no trauma whatsoever.

So where did it go? It's not as if I "worked on
it," or tried to delve into the feelings and resolve
them, or even as if I "went through it." I didn't.
But the pain was GONE.

All I'm sayin' is that sometimes, if you're lucky,
it works that way. "Going through it" is NOT the
only way that such things can be resolved. Some-
times the principle of the second element works
exactly as advertised, and turning on the light
really does get rid of the darkness.

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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