On Jun 14, 2006, at 1:43 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> 


<snip>she was so threatened by the

fact that she was seeing these things and that

they *weren't* being done by *her* teacher 

(Maharishi) that she just blotted them out

and refused to ever deal with the experience.

I have heard that in the months that followed

she denied ever having seen Rama, which possibly

ties into this whole denial thang, but also could

just have been fear (at that time and place) of

being thrown out of the TMO for having seen 

another teacher.

Anyway, my point is that people who claim that

they want to see the siddhis may have a surprise

or two in store for them when they do. They may

find out a great deal about what they *really*

want.  :-)

Alternatively, fulfillment of the Sidhis can be just as unsettling 

to one's concepts. Either way I agree-- very much a case of 'be 

careful what you wish for'...

It was just a fascinating evening for me, watching

her avoiding her own perceptions. I did not tell

her before the talk that Rama could do siddhis, or

to watch for them, and he never announced that he

was about to do them, even to the point of saying

"Watch this." That night, a small gathering of about

50 students and their guests, he just did them ex

tempore, slipping them in *while* giving a talk on

something or another. And because of her mumbling

thing, there was no question that she was seeing

them at the time, but then for whatever reason she

decided to "not have seen them," and that decision

was more powerful than her own perceptions. Go 


Unless of course she was pissed because she realized he was using some form of suggestion...

Some Buddhist teachers have suggested that Zen Master Rama was just doing a form of "magical display" (if he was not hypnotizing people)--a kind of minor siddhi where they change people's perceptions. Supposedly much easier to do and a lot more common than actual levitation siddhi. 


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