Title: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's name
on 7/2/06 5:07 PM, Vaj at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Jul 2, 2006, at 3:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 7/2/06 9:24:25 A.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>> Obviously, MMY just doesn't "get" it while the ones that
> >> advocate subtle effort and control do.
> >
> > Either that or they are teaching two different techniques,
> > one for people with lazy minds, and one for people who
> > have no problem controlling theirs.
> Ever see the picture from Willytex's website of hardcore TMers
> meditating in Dome? They have horrible posture, most slouching, one
> in a lazy boy chair!
> Compare to almost any other meditation class. TMer's are known in the
> broader meditational world for their bad posture.

The horror of it all...
Actually M does get it. He told us that none of these things like Asanas and mudras and what have you ever needed to be performed perfectly. The intent and practice to the best of one's ability is good enough. M recited a poem by Shankara to illustrate this. It was something like, A little understanding of the Gita, a taste of the Ganges, a pilgrimage to a Holy site, a little asanas and so forth was the key. Never did Shankara expect everyone to become great Vedic Scholar, or live off of the Ganges, go to all Holy places, or do all the asanas perfectly. But one should show the intent and do what he could and consider it done. M said there are teachers out there that demand everything be done perfectly, if one uses Chin Mudra, they expect the finger tips of index and thumb be placed perfectly and form a perfect circle and the other three fingers held perfectly straight away. For us, he said, it is enough that the index finger and thumb touch. Transcending is what we pay attention to, not all the other stuff.

Unfortunately when posture is not right during meditation--and there *are* many ways to sit--it screws with the vital airs and a number of other things. If you can't sit in lotus or some la-dee-da asana, just sit in a chair.
At the start of my 6-month course, Maharishi said, “I have 6 months to turn you into yogis.” He had us doing lots of asanas, taking cold baths, fasting, sitting in meditation without back support (which he strongly recommended), etc. The impression he gave was, OK, enough of this slouchy softy business. Time to get serious. Another thing he said was, “it’s a race to see who can purify the fastest.” __._,_.___

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