--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Lsoma@ wrote:
> >
> > As of today 12/20/06 I have been turned down to participate 
> > in America Invincibility course. I have been a regular 
> > practitioner of TM and TM-Sidhi's for 28 years. They told 
> > me because I practice astrology that I would not be allowed 
> > in the dome. I think Maharishi needs to perform the greatest 
> > miracle of all. Respect for his citizen Sidha's. 
> Or for his teachers. You now understand the thing 
> that many here on this forum understand, and that
> a couple of the most vocal TM- and MMY-apologists 
> on this same forum do not. They don't understand 
> because they never put their lives on the line to 
> teach TM. They don't understand because they never 
> had to scrimp and save to continue their teaching 
> activities. They never taught, period.

I could be wrong, of course, but I strongly suspect
Lsoma is referring here to lack of respect for
citizen Sidhas (i.e., TMers who never taught)--
you know, because that's what he is, and because
"respect for citizen Sidhas" is, you know, what
he actually says above.

So given that Lsoma has never taught--which is what
you say makes understanding the complaints of TM
teachers impossible--it's not clear why you would
claim that he now understands the complaints that
you say people like him cannot understand.

(Unless, of course, you've just gotten all tangled
up in your rhetoric again in your anxiety to find
a way to dump on the TM supporters here.)

> So when people who did -- for years or even decades --
> express their disappointment at the *lack* of respect
> that Maharishi has for them, these apologists ridicule 
> the people who are expressing such sentiments. They 
> clearly consider such people weak or lacking in faith.

Can you provide examples of such ridicule from

(Silly me.  Of course not.)

> But the bottom line is that many of the people who 
> *did* put their lives on the line for Maharishi, and 
> who *did* scrimp and saved to continue doing so, 
> *have* been treated like shit by him and his minions. 
> And people who *never* made such sacrifices are the 
> first to trot out excuses for Maharishi and excuses 
> for his minions. *Their* faith is intact because they 
> never had to put it to the test. Thus they continue 
> to talk the talk of living a spiritual life, without 
> ever once having walked the walk of it.

Actually, it isn't necessary to have been a TM teacher
to be living a spiritual life.  (Nor, for that matter,
does having been a TM teacher necessarily mean one is
living a spiritual life.)

Finally, I'd suggest that some of us who were never
TM teachers find some of the teachers' complaints
entirely valid, and others pretty silly.  Generally
speaking, the ones we criticize are those we find
silly, not those we find valid.

In some cases, we may cite the TMO's *reason* for
the action being complained about while still not
finding it valid on our own terms.  There's a
difference between explaining a reason and making
an excuse.

But your putdown works, of course, only if you avoid
making such fine distinctions.

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