You speek much truth Sal. But their is more to my story that I will share  at 
a later date. Maharishi has changed all of our lives and I love him very  
much. I am willing to forgive Maharishi for mistakes make in the past and in 
present. We are at War. Humanity needs to come together. Their are other 
Guru's  who offer
a more relaxed and appropriate environment but I have yet to find any  
organization with 1,800 people that
are meditating everyday. Besides, when I was with SSRS and worked for Deep  
Chopra I missed Maharishi. I love everyone in my spiritual family but Maharishi 
 started this and even though I find myself
complaining sometimes we do need to address some of the qualities that are  
wonderful in the MUM community and Vedic City. Organic gardening and working on 
 an energy system that is self sufficient is
a couple of the positive qualities. I feel strongly that Maharishi will not  
be with us much longer. I want to
be a part of the community when he passes over. Maybe in some small way or  
big way I will be an influence to change things for the better. This is my  
prayer. Love and Light. Lou Valentino

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