larry.potter wrote:
> MAHARISHI: Just as in any government there is a head of state, there 
> is a prime minister, there are assemblies - hierarchy.
> Wherever there is organization, wherever there is action, there is
> hierarchical organization. Like that we can understand in terms of 
> different devatas.
> All the different devatas - it will be easier to partition the range 
> of devatas in two values: silence and dynamism. Silence is upheld by 
> Shiva and dynamism is upheld by Vishnu. And between the two  
> Ganapati holds the rains of any coordination wherever, so that there 
> is no lack of coordination.  It is very beautiful.
> There is nothing for us. God in terms of anything. We can talk about 
> God, we can define about God in terms of anything. The same way in 
> terms of anything
> we can talk about devatas, of Shiva and Vishnu. There are Ganas of 
> Shiva. 
> Gana means like the sparks of intelligence. There is one ocean of
> intelligence and then the sprouting, single waves of intelligence. 
> Waves of intelligence, they distinguish themself from one another. 
> So there is a field of many in this way.
> We can talk in terms of many, many devatas...
They should also ask what is the relationship between God and the devis?

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