--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "larry.potter"
> I'm not sure that we can conclude from the database realm to
> the spiritual. that being said it is true that relational d.b. 
> is being used far more than hierarchical. The main reason is 
> that it was difficult to model a many-to-many relationship, 

There are other reasons, speed of access being one
of them, but the many-to-many thing is interesting
in itself. To me it seems as if the hierarchical
model is something that a seeker (and especially a 
deist seeker) would think up. They're always trying 
to "climb the tree" to reach something "higher" than

But would a realized individual, who even on the
level of perception relates to the many *as* him-
or herself, be tempted to think hierarchically?
When your entire world view is Unity, are the
devatas (assuming they exist) any "higher" than 
you? They *are* you. :-)

> However, we now that in a web world that demands quick 
> access to data, XML is being used to facilitate this,
> and XML has, of course, a hierarchical structure and 
> for good reasons: speed, better handling of data elements, 
> easier administration, and handling of unexpected elements.

I honestly suspect that XML's success so far is 
based on the relatively small datasets it's called
upon *to* access. When dealing with small amounts
of data, hierarchical structures appear fast on
today's computers. But if you were trying to access
and process yottabytes** of data, do you think you'd
still be using XML or forcing that data to traverse
a tree structure?  

** Love that term, 'yottabytes'

kilobyte (kB)   2^10
megabyte (MB)   2^20
gigabyte (GB)   2^30
terabyte (TB)   2^40
petabyte (PB)   2^50
exabyte (EB)    2^60
zettabyte (ZB)  2^70
yottabyte (YB)  2^80

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