> > What was the little Brahman's name? 
> >
Peter wrote:
> Fred Flintstone
So, you weren't really at TTC - you made that up and the quote too.
Never heard of a Fred Flinstone ever being on TTC with MMY.

According to the medical records, as described in the official
biography of Swami Brahmanand Saraswati, Guru Dev died of natural
causes. Just before Swamiji passed away, he summoned his foremost
chela, Bal Bramacharya Mahesh, who had been waiting just outside in
the hall, and handed him a full set of written instructions concerning
the administration of his entire estate. Guru Dev then told Mahesh, in
front of three others:

"My dearest Mahesh, please put this old bag of bones, [pointing at his
chest], inside a trunk, with this body sitting upright in this high
chair, [pointing at his chair], and toss it into the Ganges river
[makes dumping gesture]. Then, Bal, you should arrange my affairs and
then go to the Himalayas, hide inside a cave at the Upper Kashi and
meditate day and night, just like I have instructed you. Don't come
down from the mountain until you'e developed a plan to spiritually
regenerate the whole world. Use the simple system of meditation that I
have taught you - remember to keep the teaching pure, just as I have."

Guru Dev then closed his eyes, sat up in the full lotus position, took
one long deep breath, felt his body as a whole, became aware of his
bija-mantra, just like any other thought, and absorbed in deep
meditation, passed into Unity Conciousness.

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