--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Well, this is the stuff that FFL was made for, right?  
> The field of pure existence -- Being -- *is* the Self.  Actually, the 
> Self is beyond both existence and non-existence.  It is so rock-solid 
> and complete that it doesn't permit the possibility of anything but 
> itself and therefore no qualifiers can ever reference it.  It is 
> absolutely exclusionary of anything and everything.  Nothing is except 
> That.  Everything appears to exist because of That.  So the realization 
> of the Self does seem to encompass what Maharishi refers to as Cosmic 
> Consciousness as well as Brahman.

True, in man, it is limited in its expression, ("The silence which is
experienced in cosmic consciousness, and which separates the Self from
activity, is on an *infinitely* smaller scale, for it is on the level
of individual existence", Gita CHVI vs3)
> Self Realization is not the realization of a limited isolate or created 
> soul.  The Self is never created.  The Self is uncreated, One, pure and 
> immovable.  The reflection of that in the notion of a nervous system 
> causes the notion of a jiva, or soul, to appear.  Jiva is the "created" 
> soul; but it's just a notion of individuality and separateness; it 
> isn't a reality, it's an appearance.  It never was created.  

Yes, but in order to speak of it we must draw distinctions, from the
level of Unity or Brahman Consciousness UC all is one.
> Maharishi's exposition is frequently muddled by his ambition to sell 
> his product.  That's a shame.  The clearest, cleanest articulation (for 
> me) is Nisargadatta's.  He illuminates everything that I learned from 
> Maharishi but hadn't realized yet.

What really cleared it up for me was PYogananda's Bhagavad Gita, I
thought I had read the Gita (MMY's) no way, Yogananda's was far superior.

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