On Jan 16, 2007, at 5:50 PM, wmurphy77 wrote:

Indeed they are.: the commentaries of the Badarayana sutras.

I traced this years ago after I heard the first mention.

OK, let's just assume for simplicity sake Guru Dev was in UC and MMY
just calls everything Cosmic Consciousness, Thanks! :-)

Non sequitur. There's no mention nor any implication in my above statement that is connected to your response. Turiyatita or jivan- mukti are the traditional words for "CC". It's well-known in what style of literature these are used.

Written accounts only mention him as a jivan-mukti, but the truth is, there is more to life than the written word. We really, at this late date don't have any clue about a man not even one of us has ever met. But also worrying about something so long gone is pathetic. Learn what there is to learn and move on.

But just to stir the pot he was known for a couple of siddhis: spontaneously lighting ritual fires and materialization of objects. The clincher is the last one. Can you guess what state of consciousness one would have to be in to materialize sacred objects? (hint: it ain't CC :-)).

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