> In a message dated 1/23/07 11:09:32 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
> I don't  get why when Ahmadinejad says the US and Israel will be 
> destroyed,  invariably someone misquotes him as saying Iran will 
> destroy them. He has  not said that-- at least I haven't read it 
> anywhere. I take his speech as  referring to the possibiity of karmic 
> retribution coming to both  countries, not that Iran will be that agent 
> of karmic retribution.  
> Then he needs to state clearly that it is his belief that the  destruction of 
> Israel and the United States will be an act of God and Iran will  have 
> nothing to do with it, while he makes his nuclear weapons. Otherwise it  
> clearly 
> comes off as a threat. When you are on the receiving end of such a  threat, 
> by a 
> hostile country that sponsors terrorism and one that is hell bent  on making 
> their own nuclear weapons,to take it as a "possibility" that  maybe he just 
> means your Karma is going to catch up with you would be  absolutely foolish 
> and 
> suicidal.
BTW, Ahmadinejad is a bout as popular in Iran as Bush is in the US.  
IOW, not very.

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