The plot thickens...

The actual dome numbers won't reflect anything worthwhile in this
regard although the principle of lowered coherence because of dome
absence(s) may well hold-- the culprit(s) could have been MUM staffers
or students who scan their ID cards on the way *into* the domes, but
not out. Thus they could have gone in and then left once everyone else
had their eyes closed. Bingo, electronic alibi.

With the cash from the heist they are buying up all the snow shovels
and snow removal equipment in the area so they can make extortionate
levels of profit during the winter storm, then quickly invest the
money in the stock market while it still suffers from the 28 point
drop they caused by leaving the dome. When the enlightened criminals
return to doing group program, boom, the stock market goes back up and
they sell, making a small fortune. Of course, this is all with the
absolute conviction they are acting for the good of all humanity.

Look for an impoverished MUM staffer unexpectedly to become a Raja, or
a poor student to suddenly buy an EMF-free home in Maharishi Vedic
City ... or ....

Where the hell is Mongo when you need him?

PS I know this true. 

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 2/12/07 10:22:13 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
> Just off  the scanner in FF, the bank got robbed today.
> > 
> > & what were  the dome numbers today? 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Are you  suggesting that somebody that was supposed to be in the 
> dome was 
> >  actually out robbing the bank?
> >
> ************
> No, Luke,  there is a disturbance in the Force -- not only the bank 
> robbery, but the  stock market lost 28 points today, and Fairfield is 
> under a winter storm  watch. 

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