Hey Off,

That little "gotcha" game is not worthy of your usual insights. All
you can conclude from people not playing this particular game is that
people who didn't post didn't want to play.

For me the premise was not something I could go with.  For me it is
not the experiences of higher states, but the interpretation of what
they mean, that is important to my view.  This perspective is not
reflected in the way you asked the question. 

Have you stopped beating your wife Off? Yes or No.

Now if you want a visual experience of higher states check this out:


It is a mindblowing video of Chinese dancers.  I'm surprised it isn't
a popular form of Indian dance since it is so Hindu godlike!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Here below are the results of the survey. First are the statements 
> from those who had some experience in TM that indicated to them in 
> some way the existence of higher states of consciousness. Then below 
> that, the over-whelming majority who indicated they never had any 
> higher level experiences.  
> Experiences of higher states of consciousness:  
> Bhairitu "Sure, I had good experiences from TM. I began experiencing 
> what MMY likes to call CC about a year and a half after starting 
> TM."  (snip – scroll down to see his other meditation experiences 
> alternative explanation)  
> Authfriend wrote:   
> "it's a matter of gradually, steadily, and continuously increasing 
> transparency, in both meditation and activity. Impossible to say 
> what the endpoint might be, or whether there would even be an 
> endpoint."  
> Patrick Gillam:  
> "Once during TM, early in my practice, I had a tenth-of-a-second 
> flash of everything making sense. It was a hypercondensation of that 
> good feeling you get when you find something out, or figure 
> something out. I had heard such experiences described as "aha" 
> experiences, but mine was too short for that. It was just an "ah!" 
> experience."    
> Shukra 69  
> "Pretty much always have a good experience when I do 5-10 minutes of 
> pranayama first. My experience of Tm is like the description of CC 
> much of the time now. Had experiences of enormous bliss/good 
> kundalini experiences in the past but not recently. Likewise CC in 
> activity. Witnessing sleep several hours a night. Had a Diety vision 
> like a found murti that I heard described recently, after I saw it 
> in TM, you can say it is some kind of self suggestion I'm sure. M.D. 
> said I am in good health -for someone 20 years younger!"    
> OffWorld    
> "I am in a subtle state of bliss maybe 40-50% of the time. I have 
> had many clear experiences of pure consciousness many times a week 
> outside of TM, and GC. I often experience bliss during sleep for 
> many hours, and great waves and zones of power, and am often 
> surprised when I wake up in the morning feeling unenlightened (oh 
> well...some experience is good enough)."  
> Many did not answer the survey, which deduction leads one of 
> following:  
> 1.    They never had any good experience from TM, and did not 
> experience higher states of consciousness or glimpses of that.    
> 2.    They couldn't be bothered answering, and that leads to the 
> rational deduction that they did not have any experience of worthy 
> note in TM.      
> An overwhelming number of people in their statement of silence on 
> the matter, thereby can be reasonably concluded to not have gained 
> any experience of higher states of consciousness through the 
> practice. (if you wish to counter or add to this deduction using 
> rational procedures, then please do so)  
> The following are a number of people who thereby indicated that they 
> never had any experience of higher states of consciousness:  
> MDixon.    
> New.morning     
> dhamiltony2k5     
> drpetersutphen     
> Vaj    
> Rick_Archer    
> TurquoiseB      
> handsonmaui     
> curtisdeltablues    
> lurkernomore...     
> Sal Sunshine    
> Richard J. Williams    
> J_alexander_...     
> BillyG.    
> cardemaister      
> bob_brigante    
> t3rinity     
> In addition Bhairitu made this observation to his above statement: 
>   " But here's the catch, I had already been practicing different 
> mantra techniques before TM and on my first try at meditating a good 
> 3 1/2 years before TM the kudalini rose to the crown chakra. TM was 
> a stable "official" technique I decided to try in 1973. Of course 
> now I practice advanced tantric techniques. In tantra we don't 
> have "levels." There is just the experience of what would in 
> TM "pure consciousness" which grows in intensity with practice. I 
> think that delineating levels is a problem for many TM practitioners 
> and if anything makes people push the carrot farther out when they 
> may have already swallowed it." Bhairitu  
> OffWorld's thoughts on this :
> I have experienced Kundalini and many TM'rs I know have also. It can 
> be very powerful. Regarding Kundalini experience in TM, Maharishi 
> said (paraphrasing): "It rises, it falls, not something to put 
> attention on"  
> Regarding the `levels', it can be a problem for some if they are 
> experiencing "GC" and not aware of what is happening, they could get 
> distracted by it. GC is very blissful love. And if a person is not 
> instructed intellectually about UC, then the experience may not get 
> cemented. But your Tantra practice sounds like you like it so good, 
> enjoy.  
> SURVEY COMPLETED by Off_World_Beings

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