> In a message dated 4/13/07 12:52:28 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> guess  you and I see it entirely different. My take was that 
> > nothing was  said out of meanness,with the intent to cause hurt 
> > feelings but  rather Imus got a little too comfortable with
> > Ghetto speak, yet  couldn't pull it off right without sticking
> > his foot in his mouth.  Somebody is always waiting to be 
> > offended to claim their status as a  victim and all that goes
> > along with it.
> Yeah, I don't think  these teenagers were just waiting
> for him to hurt their feelings. It came  out of the blue.
> Why on earth would they expect a big-time radio and  TV
> host to make fun of their appearance and call  them
> whores?
> And they accomplished more than winning the game. They got their
> fifteen minutes of fame and will be remembered long after the
> winners of the game are long forgotten.

So you don't think their feelings were really hurt,
they just wanted to get on television, right?

Gee, you should have told Imus that.  He wouldn't
have gone to all that trouble to apologize to
them and meet with them.

Don't you get that *Imus himself* thinks he said a
terribly hurtful thing?

> In a message dated 4/13/07 12:56:12 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> Sharpton
> is using it to campaign against rappers who indulge
> in  violence to advance their careers.
> Those are pretty important fights,  it seems to me.
> And I'll believe it when I don't hear it  anymore.

Believe what when you don't hear what any more?

> In a message dated 4/13/07 12:52:28 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> He no  longer has a show, but he still has a big
> potential audience and a lot of  reporters eager to
> give him a platform. He now has a terrific  opportunity
> to make up for what he did by speaking out against  the
> on-air ugliness that's become such a curse in this
> country,  encourage people to protest when Limbaugh and
> Savage and Beck and O'Reilly  and Hannity and their ilk
> indulge in it. He could become a real force for reform.
> Have you ever listened to any of these guys or do you go by what
> others say they said?

I used to *transcribe* both O'Reilly's and Hannity's
shows. Limbaugh, Savage, and Beck, I've read transcripts
of their shows and watched video clips from them.
They're all deeply, deeply hateful people.  Oh, and I
forgot Anne Coulter.  And Michelle Malkin.  Lots more,
but these are the worst, or at least the most prominent
of the worst.

I don't think Imus is as hateful as they are, by the
way, but that's not saying much.

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