--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for everyone who responded to my question about our
> > relationship to dead people like Jesus.  As I had hoped I 
> > was able to read some fascinating perspectives. Some really 
> > took the ball and ran into some complex worldview shifting 
> > perspectives, Turq, Marek, and Edg (special mention goes to 
> > Edg for the pantsless puja story which had me laughing. 
> Not to blow the whistle on geezerfreak or anything,
> but he pulled a stunt once that still cracks me up
> every time I remember it. He's an audiophile, the
> definition of which seems to be "Someone who's not
> happy with his $20,000 sound system; it's just not
> 'right' yet." And at the time I knew him, he had 
> this *enormous* collection of jazz vinyl records.
> Records get dirty, and so he had not one turntable,
> but two. One was to play the records, but before
> you got to actually do that, there was the record 
> cleaning ritual.
> He'd stand there and put the record on the record-
> cleaning turntable and set it spinning. Then first
> came the pass with the antistatic brush, followed
> by squirting superspecial record-cleaning liquid 
> on the surface of the disk, followed by setting the
> "tonearm" of the record-cleaning turntable in place
> and letting it do its thing. Its "thing" was that it
> was a tiny vacuum cleaner that moved across the 
> record and sucked up all the cleaning fluid, taking 
> any dirt and grit with it.
> Suffice it to say that this ritual took a little time,
> maybe 2-3 minutes per record side. And so I'm sitting
> there on his sofa one night, waiting to see what won-
> derful album he's going to play me next, and he's in
> the middle of the ritual and notices me sitting there
> impatiently, and he starts in with the puja. He raises
> the antistatic brush above his head and chants "Apavitra
> apavitro vam..." and I start cracking up. Then he takes
> the record-cleaning fluid and waves it above the turn-
> table in tiny circles, the way we would do with the 
> puja offerings. At this point I'm basically *dying* 
> of laughter, almost falling off the sofa.
> I guess it's one of those "You had to have been there"
> kinda things, but your reaction to Edg's tale reminded
> me of it, and I thought I'd take the opportunity to
> thank geezerfreak, belatedly, for a memory that has 
> made me laugh many, many times over the years.
Ha-Ha! reminds me of a governor at Livingston Manor who would 
sometimes end group meditations with "Jaaaaaaai...Edgar Hoover..." 
Talk about falling out of our chairs! still cracks me up...

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