--Question below: did I stray from TM while (during the period) 
Muktananda dug his fingers into my eyeballs, giving me Shaktipat?  
Ans: Nope...not straying, just continuing my overall research into 
various Gurus.  I've always practiced TM since 1967 but wanted to 
confirm if there was anything else of value (in addition to TM, not 
replacing it), through my own experience.  Is there?  Yes: Buddhism 
but I'm still in the investigative stage and not quite ready to make 
any "pronouncements". Also, chanting the Gayatri mantra is of value.
 I got initiated into Eckankar in 1970, also Guru Maharaji gave me 
the "Knowledge" in 1970. In 1976 I was initiated by Thakur Singh, 
Darshan Singh, and Charan Singh, and Madhusadandasji.; and I met 
Muktananda in that year; (seeing him every day for several months in 
1980). In 1982, the Kriya Yoga Guru Swami Satyeswarananda Giri 
initiated me.
 All of the foregoing was simply part of my ongoing research. Also, 
I've received intensive training in Fundamentalist Christianity, Hare 
Krishna philosophy;, Mormonism, and was baptized as a Mormon in 1981. 
I took refuge from 3 Buddhist teachers: Hsuan Hua (1976), somewhat 
later Sogyal Rinpoche, and Kalu Rinpoche.   
 I worked at SIMS as a paid employee from 1970 - 1973 but got fired 
as a result of talking about various other Paths to people there...in 
 But basically for the last 25 years, I've been closely observing 
people at work,who are not on the Spiritual path; since during that 
time among the many hundreds of people I've worked with, only 3 
were "New Agers". One was into Sant Mat, one was into astrology, and 
another practiced Hatha Yoga. The rest are basically into Happy Hour 
and shopping at the Home Depot on weekends. However, I might add that 
there is a certain consistent percentage of co-workers - mainly Black 
females; who regularly go to their respective Evangelical Churches , 
sometimes 3X per week. Impressive!...if one is into Fundamentalism. 
 My ambition (among other things), is to find out what 
makes "ordinary"  people -i.e. not on the Spiritual path - tick in 
terms of their reluctance to practice any type of Spiritual Sadhana.
For the most part, I blame myself for not coming up with something 
demonstrable to offer them.  Any talk of "pure Consciousness" only 
meets with a blank stare.
 Perhaps a dazzing display of Sidhis would turn such people on. What 
do you think? 
 Nityananda in his early career was known to manifest various items 
out of thin air, walk on water, and even stop a train in its tracks.

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <rorygoff@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "qntmpkt" <qntmpkt@> wrote:
> > >
> > > ---Yea...Swami Muktananda - it appears from available evidence 
> that 
> > > he was quite adept at molesting underage Daughters of his 
> disciples.  
> > 
> > Yes, so I've heard. Still a nice insight, and I appreciate 
> > posting it.
> > 
> > > Looks like a mismatch between speech and action!
> > 
> > Yes, that might really bother me if I were expecting any 
> > action/speech from him :-)
> > 
> > >  He initiated me into "Shaktipat" in 1980. (dug his fingers 
> my 
> > > eyeballs and a brilliant image of himself appeared in my visual 
> > > field). 
> > 
> > Interesting! Were you a steady TM-er at the time? If so, how did 
> you 
> > justify "straying"?  Among many other Master-flavors, I used 
> > to "channel" his shaktipat-energies in 1982 or so. BAM! Very 
> dynamic, 
> > but I quit tuning into his channel when I found my heart was 
> feeling 
> > pained and strained afterward from the excess voltage running 
> through 
> > it :-)
> >
> I have always found the following photograph of Muktananda's 
> Nityananda, most remarkable.  Of all the saints' photographs I have 
> seen over the years, this one has the most profound effect upon me:
> http://www.nityanandainstitute.org/images/jpg/nit_teaching.jpg

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