Edg writes snipped:
Amness is not an experience.  The ego is unified when one (ego) has
transcended-dissolved into amness, so there's "no one" to experience
anything -- other than our good old faithful Absolute.  The Absolute
is the only sentience -- amness is to Absolute as dummy is to

Tom T:
from Sailor Bob's book by James Braha
Energy, or belief in something, doesn't care which way it goes. Just
like the current in an electric motor. Turn the switch one way, it
goes forward. Turn it the other way, it goes in reverse. Electricity
doesn't care. The vitality, the living essence, doesn't care whether
you think in dualism, stuck in the mind, or anything else. It just
goes where the energy or belief goes. But if you question all your
beliefs, you'll find belief is only a reference point. It's not the
actuality. A belief can never be the actuality. The actuality is this
present moment. Presence Awareness. You can't negate it.

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