--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> Not to mention the "math" problem that there are so many more people
> alive today than any time in history. (Let me guess, other planets
> with people on them waiting to get on to earth?)  I guess the people
> who remember their past lives just happen to come from here.  But with
> only one billion estimated in 1802 in the world, our current 6 bill
> makes the odds that only those people remember not one but often many
> past lives pretty far out doesn't it?  
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_population  Here is a chart of the
> world's population that is very revealing.  If reincarnation was real
> we should be getting so many detailed reports from these other
> planets, really wacky stuff.  But then I might just be missing that
> section in the bookstore!  Instead we get reports about people being
> one of the tiny groups of people we know about!  I think your
> skepticism is warranted.

Well, lives were much shorter then so 3+ lives could of been had in
the duration of one current life. And given the high infant mortality
rate, lots of souls kept "churning" repeatedly being born, only to die
within hours, days or weeks of birth. But that doesn't solve the math
problem, just lessens it some. :) And maybe there were a lot more
multiple personalities -- one for each soul. :)

The amazing thing I see in estimates such as this (and linked page in
your linked page) is that in the Indus Valley civilization 3000 bce or
so, "Krishna Incarnation" 2500 BCE ?, and scholarly defined start of
Vedic period 1500 BCE or  so, the populations of india would be around
4 million, 5 million and 9 million respectively -- give or take a
million or two. (Assuming Asia was 2/3 of world population and India
was 40% or so of Asian population).The whole of India with 4-9 million
peolpe! No wonder vedic india is described as a golden age. 

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