> I wonder if this Guru would enjoy Byron Katie... :-)

* I doubt it. I've come across Swami G several times in the past few
years, and it's always been in a context of conflict. She has a very
dualistic and fundamentalist mindset about spiritual rights and wrongs

G dualistic and fundamentalist ? i preach no dogmas - nothing dualistic,
maybe he doesn't like what i have to say but at least be factual and the
above is about the farthest from what is here.

* and how things SHOULD be. Anyone who's that fond of criticizing
is is probably not going to enjoy loving what is.

G there are Many Guru's that i am quite fond of - ---- Many teachings
and paths
that are Fantastic.

As far as loving what is - There is nothing better than being freed of the
driving mind.
Nothing better than being free of the suffering identifications. In any
moment Bliss
may be entered and enjoyed, simply from the movement of leaves on a tree -
or the
sound of a passing car which brings vibrational waves throughout the whole

Yes this is loving what IS. Enjoying that Still point which all life
revolves around
is loving what IS.

Loving what *IS* may be different than loving what is -

do you love the war ? Do you love when guru's or preachers speak from a
that only continues stirring up fear or preying upon fears and
There is a vast difference in Loving the person versus loving what is
ie: that which separates and keeps one separated from that One Divine IS
is freedom. When things are encountered which keep separation in place -
and continue keeping people bound then yes - this one will speak out.

i have no anger, nothing against any individual though. i cannot remain in
type of mindset. i may speak against what one is doing but this has
do with my loving them any less as having that One Divine Essence as Self.

As far as advaitic crowd have always held that Gangaji has merit and gives
a technique that is quite fine.

i am simply not going to comment on a teacher and teaching that i am
familiar with -----

Neither does living within the conscious reality of Non-duality mean
a head
in the sand when it comes to issues within the realm of duality.

Unlike Balsekar i am not going to say all is perfect as it is - and if
you are a
murderer then that is quite fine it is perfect and just be what you are.
will i say that some of these gurus that are turning the path into a
spiritual buisness
are upholding the dharma and having compassion for the world state.

Now if you want to call this having a dogma and being in a dualistic
mindset then be my guest. No matter as the truth of what is said here will
be born
out eventually.

May you find THAT which is the Life of ALL Life and the Death of ALL
maha shanti om

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