--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ron" <sidha7001@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Loving what *IS* may be different than loving what is -
> Yes, what appears to be the remnants of dualism. I'm finding as we 
> inquire into and integrate our self-righteously scripted reactions 
> around warmongers, liars, false gurus, misusers of power, etc. ("I'm 
> better than so-and-so!") we see that after all we have been indulging 
> in the false-intellect, and have only been projecting our own dramas 
> onto the Emptiful perfection, withholding our all-inclusive Love and 
> superimposing an illusory snake upon an innocent string, and here and 
> now find that what had appeared to be "sin" only IS IS, indescribable, 
> radiantly beautiful, a perfect reflection of the Self -- as it has 
> always been! 
There may be some self righteousness and feeling of "I'm better than"
behind perceptions of false gurus and manipulators of power, and those
feelings should be addressed which may alter the subtle feelings
around those perceptions and how they're expressed, but I don't think
that spiritual growth towards unity eliminates the ability to makes
those distinctions between truth and falsehood, in fact it seems to me
 that that ability to discriminate becomes clearer.  IE I dont think
discrimination per se must be based on some underlying drama or
judgment that needs to be eliminated.

Does rory feel that his seeing swami g as still stuck in "remnants of
dualism" or other people stuck fully in dualism is a perception based
on some underlying drama of his?

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