--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
> >
> > _Alarmist  global warming claims melt under scientific scrutiny :: 
> > SUN-TIMES ::  Other Views_ 
> > (http://www.suntimes.com/news/otherviews/450392,CST-EDT-
> REF30b.article)  
> I already posted a link to this article.
> Judy's response?  It's totally meaningless because ExxonMobile funds 
> the institute where the author works.

Heartland Institute has received $791,500 from ExxonMobil since 1998.

The Heartland Institute created a website in the Spring of 2007,
www.globalwarmingheartland.org, which asserts there is no scientific
consensus on global warming and features a list of experts and a list
of like-minded think tanks, many of whom have received funding from
ExxonMobil and other polluters. [...]

Walter F. Buchholtz, an ExxonMobil executive, serves as Heartland's
Government Relations Advisor, according to Heartland's 2005 IRS Form
990, pg. 15.

The Heartland Institute formerly sponsored and hosted
www.climatesearch.org, a web page ostensibly dedicated to objective
research on global warming, but at the same time presenting heavily
biased research by organizations such as the American Petroleum
Institute as an FAQ section.


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