On Aug 25, 2007, at 4:36 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

The fact that this "Let thy will be done...put my
trust only in God" thing WORKS for these people
is an amazement.

But does it? The fact that he has to send out periodic requests for $$ would seem to me that it's not working--not in a healthy way, at least. Look at what Rick says he went through every time he walked into a roomful of people. Putting yourself in the position of relying on the generosity of friends, many of whom are undoubtedly struggling themselves, would seem to me to be very stressful, and an ultimately 'unspiritual,' way to go through life. Leeching is leeching, no matter what the excuse. And the people who keep sending him cash are just enabling him. I doubt many of them feel very good about it. I'd say stay away from the whole situation. If donating $$ is what it takes to be friends with this guy, time to find a new friend and let this one go.


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