--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" 
> Edg:
> If someone is mean, out they go, and that goes for Edg and everyone 
> else. One strike, out you go." 
> Curtis:
> If I wanted this kind of judgment on my expression I would have 
> stayed in the movement.  Does the term "Age of Enlightenment News" 
> mean anything to you?
> You know, we lost Cliff Rees.  That was a loss.  He said he
> couldn't tolerate Judy.

Those who think I "drove Cliff out" should go
back and reread our exchanges.

What *actually* happened was that he decided
to start beating up on me, and I fought back.

He wasn't used to getting at least as good as
he was giving--especially, I suspect, from a
woman--and *that's* what he couldn't tolerate.

  I would hate to lost Edg.  But FFL will survive, 
> sometimes more fun, sometimes less.  I can't help but feel that 
> Cliff cut himself off from a nice outlet.  Curtis, you are so right 
> on.  Self discipline, not imposed discipline is what makes for a 
> strong community.   IMHO, Judy has much a right as anyone to 
> herself as she sees fit.  

Thanks for that, at least.

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