On Sep 5, 2007, at 3:28 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Showtime showed the Neil Young "Heart of Gold" movie last night in HD.
I never got around to renting the DVD but this was a real treat and a
fine film by Jonathan Demme. Neil definitely has a very interesting
style of composition that stood out from the rest of the Buffalo
Springfield compositions and probably the basis for much of the
harmonies used by CSN&Y. It's like he's more of a poet painting scenes
with kinesthetic images and setting them to music with a broad pastoral
brush of deferent harmonic devices not usually found in blues or rock
but in symphonic and jazz works. Sounded great on my Klipsch speakers.

I actually just watched that last night. What an excellent concert! This was right after Neil had been operated on for a cerebral aneurism. It really caused him to rethink his life and write some great songs, as he wasn't sure if he'd live or die. Those songs make up the first half of the concert set. It was also cool to see Grant Boatright (the guy who looks like Custer) and some of his old friends all together.

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