But equally demanding such radical change without being able to offer any evidence is hardly convincing.

On 6 Dec 2006, at 12:42, MJ Ray wrote:

David Berry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Why on earth would FC-UK want to become the loony fringe of the
debate? The idea is to *fight* for the ideas you believe in, not to
act as a straw man just because ORG is too scared to say anything
more radical than keep things as they are. If we keep letting the
media image of how we are represented in the debate drive things then
we become nothing more than a PR stunt. I find that sad and pointless.

Rather than wanting to be the loony fringe (was really suggesting
that?), I think we should not be afraid of the *risk* of being
*described* as such and dismissed by some participants.  For
participants who dismiss radical change, ORG already covers the
moderate position adequately.

I will work for the ideas I believe in: abolition of copyright and
creation of a more reasonable and equitable commonwealth.

It's rather absurd to demand evidence in support of copyright-free
work, because we have little relevant evidence of how a non-copyright
system would behave, since copyright is now automatic and near-global.
Demanding evidence which cannot be collected any more is a crude
way to deny all arguments, no matter how valid and reasonable.

MJ Ray - see/vidu http://mjr.towers.org.uk/email.html
Somerset, England. Work/Laborejo: http://www.ttllp.co.uk/
IRC/Jabber/SIP: on request/peteble.
I've ~37 litres of packing chips for free locally - email me.

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David M. Berry

Media and Film Department
University of Sussex

01273 606755 x4837

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