we have little relevant evidence of how a non-copyright
system would behave,

Other than the entirity of human history prior to the 1700s.


No copyright: The Iliad.

95 Year Copyright: Troy, starring Brad Pitt.

(This logic is fallacious in a number of ways of course, including the way used
by those pleading for copyright extension.)

Quoting David Berry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

But equally demanding such radical change without being able to offer any evidence is hardly convincing.

My copy of "Promises To Keep" arrived this morning so I personally am going to
start digging into the evidence. And I've been downloading reports from
OpenBusiness, IPPR, The British Library and others again which have some
evidence in them.

Dare I say that we should put references for such fact-based resources on the
Wiki? :-)

- Rob.

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