Caire Giovanni wrote:

Just to avoid misunderstandings, there is no class-loading problem to fix in 
JADE: being a framework and not a library, JADE loads application code (agents 
code) on its own.
You want to avoid misunderstandings with me or with the community that may think that JADE as some trouble?
Having said so, a possible work-around to your point is to modify the 
BundleActivator of the examples bundle in order to use the acceptNewAgent() 
method (instead of the createNewAgent() one) of the ContainerController 
interface. In this way the Agent instance is created within the BundleActivator 
and therefore the agent code is loaded by the examples bundle.
I'll have a try and I'll let you know :)
BTW, You know that I'm starting AGENTs by Boot class, don't you?

Let me know and bye,


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