On Mar 29, 2009, at 11:09 PM, john skaller wrote:

> On 30/03/2009, at 12:38 PM, Erick Tryzelaar wrote:
>> Anyone out there interested in having a meeting on the future of  
>> felix? I'm tentatively thinking Wednesday at 7pm PST (I believe 1pm- 
>> ish on Thursday for the Australians)
> I'm a volunteer skipper for Sailability, which puts disabled/ 
> disadvantaged
> people into sailing boats. Weather permitting I'd probably still be  
> out on the
> water 1PM Thursday Australian Eastern Standard time (AEST). But  
> don't forget
> the International Date Line .. is Thursday Thursday?

That's awesome, I was wondering what you were doing on that boat. I do  
believe I had the right time, though I'd recommend you confirm it. Is  
there a better time for you? I picked that because I knew you and RF  
should be awake then, but I'm completely flexible. It'd be silly to  
hold a meeting about the future of felix without you there :)

>> I've got some ideas on some major projects that could be fun, like  
>> fully supporting the iphone, writing a [llvm](http://llvm.org)  
>> backend,
> Felix doesn't really need even more half-finished experimental  
> adventures,
> though it is of course fun to play with them.

True. The only real benefit for llvm is that I believe it'd be a lot  
easier for people to help out with, especially since it seems like  
everyone's writing an llvm backend these days. The typing stuff may be  
a little too daunting for the average joes like me.

>> I'd also like to explore dropping features from felix that are  
>> redundant and confusing.
> So would I .. like the need to interface to C/C++. How about getting  
> rid of
>       class, cclass, obj, cstruct
> the Felix parser and lexer, namespaces (keep modules of course).

Thats along the lines I was thinking of. We're just not orthogonal. I  
love the experimentation, but I'm sure it keeps a lot of people away  
because it's not a stable language. I think if we were able to slim  
down some, maybe build ourselves more around the idea of fthreads,  
we'd be a little more appealing.

I'm also not sure how important the c/c++ interface is these days. So  
many more people are experimenting with alternative languages that we  
don't need the c-isms to get mindshare. To be honest, I keep expecting  
felix to work like python, and it's frustrating when I have to go  
through the c libraries to get file io to work :)

> Also we might junk TCP/IP interface because it doesn't work  
> reliably, STL interface,
> and most of the library exotica like SDL, GMP, etc. These can't be  
> maintained by the
> current small number of people.

Are you talking about the faio stuff? It may have some bugs, but I  
actually see it as one of the unique features for felix. All the other  
aio libraries I've seen require a hell of code to work, and faio and  
fthreads could be a really elegant solution.

>> Finally, I'd also like to explore the implementation of felix, and  
>> how it could be changed. For instance, supporting partial  
>> compilation,
> There's probably no need for that.. I've looked into saving symbol  
> tables instead of parse trees,
> this makes more sense because it saves a LOT more compilation time.  
> In theory it isn't so hard,
> but there's an awful lot of editing to make it work (to make  
> relocatable symbols requires either
> renumbering things, or using identifiers consisting of TWO integers  
> and translating
> the first one)
> However, Felix is already reasonably fast so it isn't clear why to  
> bother with compiler
> performance instead of working on semantics and libraries..

Yeah, felix is pretty speedy, but when you include the c++ compiler,  
the speeds go down a fair amount. I'm not sure if it would be that  
reasonable to work on a codebase the size of the felix compiler.  
Ocaml's probably one of the fastest compilers I've seen, but it still  
takes a couple minutes to compile felix for me. I can't imagine that  
felix+g++ could be orders of magnitude faster than ocaml. So, it'd be  
pretty painful if you were just tweaking a small section and you had  
to wait a minute for everything to recompile. I think it could help  
out with the end user experience. I also believe that llvm could help  
out with this as well, since they already support working with  
multiple object files natively. It'd require even deeper changes to  
the compiler though.

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