On 30/03/2009, at 4:56 PM, Erick Tryzelaar wrote:

> On Mar 29, 2009, at 11:09 PM, john skaller wrote:
>> On 30/03/2009, at 12:38 PM, Erick Tryzelaar wrote:
>>> Anyone out there interested in having a meeting on the future of  
>>> felix? I'm tentatively thinking Wednesday at 7pm PST (I believe  
>>> 1pm-ish on Thursday for the Australians)
>> I'm a volunteer skipper for Sailability, which puts disabled/ 
>> disadvantaged
>> people into sailing boats. Weather permitting I'd probably still be  
>> out on the
>> water 1PM Thursday Australian Eastern Standard time (AEST). But  
>> don't forget
>> the International Date Line .. is Thursday Thursday?
> That's awesome, I was wondering what you were doing on that boat.

Actually, they use a fleet of specially built dinghies, I just happen
to be berthed nearby.

> Thats along the lines I was thinking of. We're just not orthogonal.  
> I love the experimentation, but I'm sure it keeps a lot of people  
> away because it's not a stable language. I think if we were able to  
> slim down some, maybe build ourselves more around the idea of  
> fthreads, we'd be a little more appealing.


> I'm also not sure how important the c/c++ interface is these days.  
> So many more people are experimenting with alternative languages  
> that we don't need the c-isms to get mindshare. To be honest, I keep  
> expecting felix to work like python, and it's frustrating when I  
> have to go through the c libraries to get file io to work :)

Heh! Well, I'd LOVE to have more like:

        fun f(x:int):int begin return x + x; end;

instead of using { .. } because that causes parsing problems , smly

        struct x = begin x:int .... end;

Pascal/modula style ..

>> Also we might junk TCP/IP interface because it doesn't work  
>> reliably, STL interface,
>> and most of the library exotica like SDL, GMP, etc. These can't be  
>> maintained by the
>> current small number of people.
> Are you talking about the faio stuff?

Yes. It never works properly, and is impossible to maintain on multiple

Also, Async TCP/IP is stuffed as we found out,.. someone should write  
a paper
on that and send it to some conference, it is a SERIOUS issue costing  
of dollars and compromising world network security.

> It may have some bugs, but I actually see it as one of the unique  
> features for felix. All the other aio libraries I've seen require a  
> hell of code to work, and faio and fthreads could be a really  
> elegant solution.

Yes, if we could make it work. See above, there is a serious BUG in  
TCP protocol, Async TCP CANNOT
be made to work unless Posix is changed.

> Yeah, felix is pretty speedy, but when you include the c++ compiler,  
> the speeds go down a fair amount. I'm not sure if it would be that  
> reasonable to work on a codebase the size of the felix compiler.  
> Ocaml's probably one of the fastest compilers I've seen, but it  
> still takes a couple minutes to compile felix for me. I can't  
> imagine that felix+g++ could be orders of magnitude faster than ocaml.

At this time, parsing is the major problem. Before Dypgen, binding  

We already have separate parsing (*.par files) and binding can only be  
across compilation unit binding will always be necessary.

john skaller

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