Title: Message
Oh Michelle, you MUST do something for YOU now.
Honestly---have a soak in the bath with some nice-smelling bubble bath (if that's what it's called here--you know what I mean). Wash your hair, put on your favorite clothes. Put on some nice music -- the kitties will enjoy it too. And, make yourself something good to eat. Wish I was near to make something tasty for you.
You need to do all these things, even tho you don't feel a bit like it--it will raise your spirits, and that will be passed on to Ginger and Lucy. (Could Lucy be reacting through jealousy by the way (my Tiger attacks Trixie when he reckons she's getting too much attention from me---she then runs off, poor thing, and he then prepares to take up her place).
And Gray will be glad to see you've done this too. He sounds a good man, and I'm sure he's pretty worried about you.
I know what it's like to feel overwhelmed and depressed with zippo energy, and it's not a nice place to be---antidepressants, which I'd always shunned, gave me much-needed energy and kick-started me into action again. Don't rule it out. You have a lot on your plate, particularly with your upcoming move. You need to take care of yourself first, so you can take care of them. You need to be strong for them.
And remember, we're all here for you--we're rooting for you, and for Ginger.
love and hugs, Kerry
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 12:22 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Ginger

I do try to pet her a lot, but for the past two days she does not want me to.  The first few days, even though she would growl and fight while I syringed her, she would roll over for me to rub her belly right afterwards and forgive everything. Now she hides from me unless I offer her a string, which she absolutely can not resist, so I do it a lot even though the dentist said not to (she can bite and pull stitches in her mouth), because it seems such a stress relief for her.
She had a normal bowel movement, so the diarrhea seems to have stopped which is a bit of a relief.  I brought her out into the yard and left her out there, and she seems to be enjoying the sun, walking around a little and sitting up and looking out the fence. Inside my bedroom she was just laying around. 
Lucy freaked out again when she saw Ginger though, and started screaming, so I locked her inside. Patches ran in as I closed the door and Lucy attacked her and ripped a thin slice of skin off the outside of her ear, which is now hanging there. I stopped the bleeding, put antibiotic ointment on it, and called the vet, who said I can just monitor it for now, and then locked Patches outside with Ginger and Lucy by herself inside.  I do not know what has gotten into her. 
Meanwhile, my dog seems to be getting her auto-immune disorder back, and her joints are swelling up.  She had this before and was put on an immune-suppressant and a lot of pred. We recently lowered the pred because the disorder was under control and she was starting to get signs of Cushings disease from the pred, and now the auto-immune disease has flared back up.
I have not showered in three days or brushed my teeth in two, and have only left the house once to go take care of Lamby, the sheep I take care of, and walk Fern.  I have cancelled work commitments.  (Granted, part of that was because I myself was sick the last 2 days and on a lot of meds). Gray is at work for the day.  I am so overwhelmed and tired and depressed. 
In a message dated 5/13/05 1:13:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
If it were me, I would only syringe feed her the things you know she likes.  The two of you are very stressed out right now.  Please TRY to approach her recovery in a more relaxed state.  You are doing everything in your power to help her heal.  Don't fall victim to the negative thoughts that I know can plague us.  I'm afraid you're playing the "what if" game that usually comes after everything is said and done.  You know alot, you care even more, but you can't possibly know enough to cover every contingency.  Please try and have faith that she'll be okay.  No matter what happens you are doing your best, you can't do more than that.  Take a Valium and reach for her occasionally with nothing more in in mind then a scratch on the back of her head.  JMO. 
You're in my thoughts,
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