Dear Michelle
Tough one. If it were me, I think I would keep the appointment to get it over and done with earlier rather than later, while doing everything possible to minimize the stress on Ginger. It IS very good news that she appears to be taking an interest in food--as you say it does look like congestion may be the culprit making her unable to smell the food. I really hope so. Having the ultrasound done would not affect her recovery from congestion. If the cause of her appetite loss is not congestion then the ultrasound may give more of a clue to what it is.
That's my 2 cents' worth.
Sending Ginger lots of healing seems to me there is reason today to be cautiously and hugs to you both, Kerry
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2005 4:55 PM
Subject: Ginger ate a little (or at least licked at food)!

About 10 minutes after I wrote that last email, I went in to check on her and she was still in the same spot, on the heating pad I put there for her. I got worried so I put her on the bed and took her temp, which was down to 101.6. I then gave her another 30 cc of fluid or so, because she seemed ever so slightly dehydrated.  She then got up, went to the litter box and peed, and on her way back to the heating pad stopped at the bowl of fancy feast and scratched at the rug to cover it up. This is something she often has done when feeling well to show she does not want a particular food, but she has not even been noticing the food for the past few days.  So she scratched next to it and then walked half-way back to the heating pad and stopped, turned around, went back to the fancy feast and made lots of slurping eating noises for a full minute or so before going back to the heating pad. I was very excited, but when I looked at the bowl hardly anything was gone. So I think she was doing the sick cat licking at the food thing without actually biting any of it.  But it is the first time she has even shown any interest in food since her surgery, and it does not seem coincidental to me that it is after getting the decongestant and her nose clearing up a little bit.
Licking at food this way sort of gets her back the place she was with food right before the dental surgery, when she was trying to eat but not eating much.  Something else could still be wrong, of course, in addition to the dental problems and URI.  But it seems better that she did this than if she kept showing zero interest in food.
If anyone has any thoughts on what this means, or if/how it should affect my decision about ultrasounding her tomorrow, please let me know.
And please send her thoughts, prayers, and energy!

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