I'm so happy to hear you've decided to postpone the ultrasound.  I would never have advised you either way, because of the 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' reasonings we're all too familiar with.  After reading your post about her soaring temp at the ER, I just couldn't help thinking that the stress you two have been under was a definite contributor to her slower than hoped for recovery.  How much clearer could her message get without her actually coming out and saying, mom, stop all this fussing!?  Speaking of which, you're killing me with the suspense.  Tell us about the AC reading last night! 

If you suspect the Triaminic is causing her to be listless, have you considered the "little noses" nose drops instead?  Aw, give that sweet Ginger a squeeze for me.  How is Fern this morning?  Do you give her Ascriptin (buffered aspirin with Maalox), when she's uncomfortable?  I've used it on a couple of my dogs with joint problems.

I actually rescheduled it for Thursday.  She has gotten much perkier-- playful and cuddly again, and after licking at the fancy feast yesterday she also licked up a little baby food. She has not touched food since then, but before getting the Triaminic this morning she did go over and look at the food and try to cover it up.  So I am cautiously hopeful.  If she is still not eating by Thursday I will take her in for the ultrasound.  I do want to give her a chance to get over the cold without the stress of 2 hours in the car and an hour or more at the vet, belly shaving, ultrasound where I can not be present with her, etc.  It is not as stressful as surgery, but it is stressful for her.
In a message dated 5/15/05 9:34:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Dear Michelle
Tough one. If it were me, I think I would keep the appointment to get it over and done with earlier rather than later, while doing everything possible to minimize the stress on Ginger. It IS very good news that she appears to be taking an interest in food--as you say it does look like congestion may be the culprit making her unable to smell the food. I really hope so. Having the ultrasound done would not affect her recovery from congestion. If the cause of her appetite loss is not congestion then the ultrasound may give more of a clue to what it is.
That's my 2 cents' worth.
Sending Ginger lots of healing vibes..it seems to me there is reason today to be cautiously optimistic...love and hugs to you both, Kerry
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