Thanks to all. Foster mom is only 21, worked at a Vet clinic, nice girl. She was packing to move, I was to pick them up soon. She didn't think he'd go outside (!), as he was upstairs, and propped the door open to move boxes out. Then she didn't tell me for a few days, embarrassed. Yes, I was very upset, told her she should have called ASAP!

No, the lady doesn't know. I'm going to tell her son, but we probably won't tell her. She's 70, had knee surgery, and something a bout it (anesthetic) disoriented her mind somewhat - she moved in with a daughter. Probably doesn't need to know.

A very mixed neighborhood - rentals, businesses, homes. People are nice, we've talked to them and passed out flyers.



At 10:27 AM 5/30/2005, you wrote:
I'm sending calming thoughts to Sam to find his way back to his foster mom. Poor baby, he's been through so much with his human getting sick and then losing his home. His foster mom must be so upset about him getting out too. Did he rush the door, or did she think he'd be okay in the yard? Does the sick older lady know he's disappeared, I hope not.
Prayers to Sam.

Gloria B. Lane wrote:

Hi - Belinda would you add Sam to the Candlelight Service, special needs list? Sam is lost. He belonged to an older lady whose family we know. She became sick and I found a foster home.

The foster mom accidently let Sam outside last weekend, and he hasn't been seen since. Susan and I've been going over and passing out flyers and looking for him in the neighborhood.

Sam is a 17 year old Siamese cat, never been outside before that I know of. Prayers and good thoughts and vibes are appreciated.

Thanks -


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