thanx all for the great info.   I feel better about my cats being exsposed to 
her but am still concerned as to wether or not she has FIP.  It almost temp 
taking time I'll let you know.

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karolyn Lount)
> Date: 2005/06/12 Sun PM 07:12:39 EDT
> To:
> Subject: Re: FIP
> Hi, If it is FIP you may be in luck as I was. I had 18 FeLV+ cats and
> was fostering a cat that turned out to have FIP and had to be put down.
> I sweated it out for several mos. and I was very lucky that to my
> knowedge none of my cats came down with it. If they did they were able
> to fight it off. My Vet told me it would be a waste of my money to have
> them tested for it. He told me if they did have it there was nothing I
> could do about it. Many cats are able to fight it off and they might end
> up being a carrier. That was 10yrs. ago and todate I have not had a cat
> show signs of having it.

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