Hi Kerry,
I usually give 500mg of Lysine once a day; if the kitty is really having effusive sneezing or eye discharge, etc., then I use 500mg twice a day.  It's 1,000 mg per day is the dose that a veterinary opthamologist gave me for Paulie when he had a corneal ulcer due to herpes.
Thanks so much for the good wishes for Tater Tot!

Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks for the info...Bandy has gotten dex no more often than evry 3 or 4 days...and even gone as long a  week a couple of times...I think in the last 6 wks. he has had maybe  7 or 8 injections..  I don't like it either but I thought since it was short acting and no more often than that, it might not be so harmful...since he does keep eating and drinking on his own and there are no lapses in that as long as the temp goes down...
I will check it out with his vet about the hot virus..and we are looking to go to a specialist, too.
He isn't on lysine...How much do you give?
I will keep you posted....Julie, I do hope your Tator Tot is feeling better real soon...
Kerry and Bandy

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