Is he getting supplemented with pet tinnic or has your vet suggested a transfusion, the liver shake is also good for this. I hope to God your vet did tests to see if the anemia is regenerative or non-regenerative, if not get a new vet ASAP and have tests done for hemobartenella, infact I would get Cloud on doxocylcline just to be safe it won't hurt him and couls well save his life if it is hemo.

And most important if Cloud is not eating YOU MUST syringe feed, any sick cat that doesn't get enough food will not have the strength to fight off anything and WILL have firther complications from not getting enough nutrition which will eventually kill it no matter how much medication you are giving it. Nothing but food will cure Fatty Liver Disease, something inappetent cats get all too frequently while the vets hem and haw about other things going on and the owners have no idea how dangerous not eating can be for cats!!

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

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