My only experience with a FeLV+ cats getting the vaccine was scary.  One of
my adult cats (prob. 5-8 years old -- rescue cat so we were unsure of age)
was at the Vet's and without thinking, they gave him the FeLV vaccine. 
Shortly thereafter, he started a downward spiral and it only got worse,
eventually (w/i 7 mos) I PTS.  Now, it could be a coincidence, but it made
me uneasy.  I have heard what you are saying, but until there is more info,
I doubt I would intentionally do that.  Maybe others have had a more
positive experience.

Tracy Weese

> [Original Message]
> To: <>
> Date: 10/17/2005 11:56:26 AM
> Subject: vaccinating FELV cats for FELV
> Hi all,
> I've recently heard from someone , that one approach to enhancing the 
> immune systems of FELV cats is to vaccinate them periodically for 
> FELV.  Anybody heard of that?
> It changed my thinking - I'd always heard NOT to give the FELV vaccine to 
> FELV cats.  Helps me remember not to get too set in my thoughts, in 
> particular about FELV.  Any knowledge of that?
> Thanks!
> GLoria

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