Title: Message
No, Hideyo, no definite timeframe, so if I know that we may have the safety net of you being able to take her back should I have to leave the US, then that makes a huge difference. And, as you say she will not be in a cage (the only way i feel ok about having cats confined to the one room is the knowledge that it's better than they would otherwise have had). Yes, I'm in Chicago! And I have no plans to go anywhere until Jan or Feb (more likely Feb). So I'll just wait to hear from you. (I know you'll want to have little Tsubomi come to her new home as soon as possible.I know you have a lot on your mind right now.  By the way a thought re the hearing--could Greg speak also on your behalf---esp as the cats use his place too, right?)
I hope this helps a little Hideyo with all the worries you have right now. You do so much for cats it's so unfair that you have all this extra worry. But I think if you go well-prepared with lots of support from authoritative individuals, plus documentation, it will surely go your way. If there is any justice, it will.
love & hugs,
till later
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hideyo Yamamoto
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 5:17 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: RE: DESPARATELY need HELP - to my dear kerry


My Dear Kerry –

Kerry, you are a saint – thank you so very much for your offer –  the space they are in right now is less than ¼ of your space that your Felv kitties are in – I just fell in love with Tsubomi and I am already deeply in love with her – when she was at the vet’s office – everyone kept making a comment as how cute she is – I wish I could find a way to keep her with me.


Do you haven any real time frame as to when you might have to go back to UK?  If you do, and IF you can be a mom of Tsubomi, I would do everything I can to take her back when you go back to UK so that you won’t have to worry about that.  I may know someone who might take her, but I know that she will also be in a cage the rest of her life and I just can’t do that to her, then I would rather release her back to where she came from if that’s’ the case– I did request IFA test today as ELISA from antech did come back as positive as well.   IFA will somehow tell me how far the virus is in her.


You live in Chicago, right?  If I have to, I will fly in Chicago with her – I will definitely consider it if it’s really ok with you, Kerry – I just hate the idea of not having her already-I know that you are going to just love her, too.   


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 11:02 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: RE: DESPARATELY need HELP - pls read!


Dear Hideyo


If we can figure out transportation then I will gladly take your little Trubomi if you can't find a good real home for her. (I don't consider mine a "real" home for FelV kits because my two----both are also feral---are confined to my second bedroom-10 x 11 feet--and I feel like a jailer.)


I also need to say in advance that if I have to move to UK (a real possibility with a cat's lifetime) then I would have to find another home for her if she remains positive as I would not be allowed legally to take her in. (I would be taking all my neg cats to UK). Plus, I need to get my quarantined cats re-tested before introducing a new FeLV cat. This would spur me to do it--I've been putting it off because of the stress for them, being feral.


That said, let me know what you think when you have time to think about it!


love and hugs, Kerry




-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hideyo Yamamoto
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 11:23 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: DESPARATELY need HELP - pls read!

Hi, everyone, I am desperately needing a help! I rescued kitty who is an adult female and she is the most affectionate cat I have ever seen!  She looks very very healthy – I took her to the vet for a blood work just to make sure that she does not have any virus – and it turned out to be she is Felv positive – I am waiting for confirmation test from Antech this morning – and I am trying to find her a good home – I thought of keeping Ginger and Tsubomi (new kitty’s name – meaning a small blossom) together, but in order for me to keep them together, I need to extend the space, as right now, where Ginger is way too small for two kitties (a big bathroom) – I also thought of moving my FIV positive Carl with the rest of negatives, but then, I just found out from FIV list person that her negative became positive from a positive cat (very very first time I have heard of this) – now, I am reconsidering moving Carl to where my negatives are as I also have small kittens as well –


I have a feeling that she is transient and may clear the virus – but I feel that I should find a good home for her.. now Ginger is stressed out and worry that it will worsen her conditions as she already has not been eating for the past three weeks and she is very nervous right now (Tsubomi is in a crate and she is not mean at all to Ginger,, but you have to know, Ginger.. she is very sensitive) –


So the bottom line – I thought I never would ask.. but I need to find a good home for my sweetest new baby, Tsubomi – I don’t want to continue to keep her in a crate, and even if she is out.. the space it way too small for both of them.. and I can’t afford to stress Ginger any more than she is already – I am SOOOOOOOOO desperate.


I also found out that my baby Gurfankle has a liver problem and lost lots of weights and I also have to deal with the animal control issue – Someone, please help me – please consider being a mom for Tsubomi – as I said,, she is a purring motor machine – I never seen a kitty as sweet and affectionate as she is and she deserves better than where she is now – Please HELP!!!


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