Hi Michelle!

Our vet is *fairly* confident it's a reaction to the chemo (I think it 
started with the adriamycin...then the "nail-in-the-coffin," so-to-
speak, was the vincristine).  Fortunately, Ewok's oncologist is in 
town today, so my vet will be getting ahold of him to get any 
suggestions.  Ewok is still hanging in there, but we're a little 
concerned that his temp this morning was just over 102!

Update:  The vet just called...she's concerned that his white blood 
cell count is rising...I'm going to go ahead and take him to the 
oncologist's office at 10:30.  I'm just sick to my stomach, right 
now...Ewok has been able to keep the FeLV in check through all this so 
far, I feel like I'm tempting fate with the additional stress!

Please keep my boy in your thoughts and prayers!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be 
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; 
You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine 
de Saint-Exupéry

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know 
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and 
what you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --
Chief Dan George

----- Original Message -----
Date: Friday, December 16, 2005 8:46 am
Subject: Re: Jen-- how is Ewok doing?

> I am glad you are holding off on the chemo for now, but so sorry 
> he is  
> having this reaction. Does the vet think it is from the 
> Adriamycin? 
> Michelle
> In a message dated 12/16/2005 5:33:51 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
> Hi  Michelle!
> Yes, Ewok was supposed to get another round of chemo this  weekend 
> (Cytoxen), but when I asked my vet about it, her eyes got really  
> big 
> and she shook her head vigorously, "NO."  :)  And he still  on the 
> Reglan (it's part of his daily i.v. drip)...but as for keeping his 
> food down, we took a step backwards tonight...I'm hoping it was 
> just  
> the result of another drug my vet prescribed (sucralfate?), so I'm 
> up  
> at this ungodly hour after the poor guy, again, with a syringe!  
> So  
> far, so good...about 10 ccs of watered down A/D (that seems to be 
> the  
> one I've had the most luck with) over the course of about a 1/2 
> hour  
> and no vomit!  Gosh, it amazes me sometimes the things I'm 
> profoundly  
> thankful for... ;)
> Anyhoo, we'll be back at the vet's again in  about 4 hours...he's 
> still 
> in good spirits for the little nurishment he's  gotten over the 
> past 
> week...At this point, I'm starting to hope for a  miracle... :(
> Take care and positive vibes out to poor  Lucy!!
> Jen

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