I once trapped a stray that threw up EVERY time he ate unless I just gave him little bits.  He would just scarf down the food so quickly (whole) he would throw it up.
Most of my cats throw up pretty frequently.  Usually it's due to a hairball.  You don't always see the hairball right away, but after they throw up a few times..... there it is.....
If you haven't fed her in 10 hours I think I might at least give her a little broth. Maybe a fourth of a cup is all.  Do you have a can of chicken noodle soup or something like that?  Is she drinking?  I wouldn't want her stomach to get too empty.  sometimes when you get too hungry it upsets your stomach by itself.  Also you don't want her to get dehydrated.  Has she been drinking.
I don't know what you're feeding her with the raw diet, but if you could smash up just a little (like a tablespoon full is all) really mushy and see what happens I would do it.

Thanks, Tonya. That does make me feel a little better. She only vomited right after eating. She then wanted to be fed again!
I have not fed her for about 10 hours now. I think I am going to wait until the morning. So you think if she vomits after getting a little food in the morning I should try reglan (that's probably what you were referring to and I have it in the house from  Simon) and see if that takes care of it?
Have you ever had a cat throw up every meal for 1.5 days?  I am actually not sure she threw up breakfast yesterday, and don't really think she did as I never found any vomit from it, but she did throw up the night before and last night and this morning after eating...
In a message dated 1/16/2006 9:03:09 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
For right now I would try feeding her very small amounts spaced out and see if she continues to vomit.  Also, my vet told me it's not an emergency unless they keep vomiting and vomiting after you STOP giving them food altogether.  Like when someone has the flu or whatever and they keep vomiting and vomiting even when there's nothing left in their stomachs until they are just vomiting bile.
It could be as simple as she likes her new food and is eating too fast or too much.  It could be a hairball.  I would at least try waiting an hour and giving her just a tiny bit and see if she throws that up.  If she does, but doesn't throw up again I would wait 2 hours and give her a tiny bit again and see what happens.  But unless she's vomiting and can't stop I wouldn't take her to the emergency vet.  They often do more harm than good.
If she is continuously vomiting I would leave her off any food for a few hours and see if she stops before taking her in.  That's just my opinion, but that's how I decide when vomiting is a problem here.  Do you think she could have eaten something she wasn't supposed to that's causing a blockage of some sort?
I had one cat with kidney disease and ibd that would sometimes start vomiting and not stop.  When that happened the vet would just give him some (? don't remember the name) to stop the vomiting.  If you have to go to emergency I wouldn't let them do much more than that unless they really found something wrong and you had confidence in them.
hope this helps some.

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